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3 Nov 2008
The Watchman I
The Watchman I
11 x 14 acrylic/masonite panel 2001
C.O. V.Luyt. Sarnia Ont.
Painted from life drawings , a friend was kind enough to pose for this quick painting the rest is imagined, focus on patterns, figure painting and colour space.
The original sketch for this was done in T.O. in 1988 I remember at the time not feeling confident enough to give the idea justice with paint, I still like the sketch which was imagined , often imagined images appear and when sketched they seem vague like a dream, and this leads to understanding my process on a few levels too
There is a pattern of beginnings in things, they perhaps seem unclear or defined at first, perhaps revealing a seed, then with attention, focus nuturing and time ,an idea may be allowed to grow and become more with a painting and developing any interest.