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10 Nov 2008

Spring Serenade

Detail Spring Serenade

Spring Serenade
48 x 36 acrylic/canvas 2004
c.o. D. Cook  Sarnia
I started this in the summer of 2004 it was the first painting for a sept show of that year, inspired by celebrating summers offerings in the form of this ficticous picnic scene," a spring serenade " Also inspired from the Sufi poetry of the 11 th. century Omar Khayyam , Rubaiyat. I connected to the timelessness of the poetry and how I thought those words still resonant today in the celebration of simple pleasures and taking time out and allow ourselves to take a daydream and see where it wonders too.... this became my approach for the rest of the paintings I was to do after completing this one, it set my mind frame, to paint without expectations and go with the moment to catch the pure pleasure of painting trusting in the instincts of a good daydreamscape.